A large group of landlords joined in tonight to hear Sheila DeForest speak a little on issues affecting code ordinances with the city. She will bring up concerns that the city will clarify on its code enforcement. Issues such as ceiling height, need for GFCI in bathrooms not undergoing remodeling, need for storm doors and 2yr stipulations on code orders being changed to 1 yr.
Sheila will determine whether the city will give landlords a discount on their rental permit fees upon successful completion of a landlord training course, one such being offered this year starting in February.
Member Wayne Gustina who also sits on a county board, mentioned that a lead detector will be made available for anyone to check out and use. The detector can seemingly be aimed at a wall and a lead reading can be made. More information will be available in February's meeting when guest Paul Benjamin will be speaking. Paul is a superintendent of planning and development.
A surprise visit was made by Teri Downing, Housing Services Director. A question/answer session followed. She mentioned that code inspectors/enforcers will be issued uniforms with clearly legible words indicating their function as code inspector.
Overall a great meeting tonight!