BPMA Meeting for September 2015
Matt Ruch would like members to read up on legislative issues that could impact landlords and contact state representatives on the issues that matter.
From The WAA
A reminder that we need YOUR help! Your Legislative Team at the Wisconsin Apartment Association is recommending that 2015 Assembly Bill 111 & 2015 Senate Bill 87 should not pass and become law. We need ALL WAA members to contact their Assembly Persons and Senators to vote AGAINST this bill!
INFO ON THE BILLS: While there some small differences between the bills, the major change that these bills make are to require local municipalities to require inspections of major renovations that either exceed 15% or 20% of the assessed value. But major renovations means, "an addition to, or a remodeling, improvement, or other alteration of, an existing one- or two- family dwelling...".
WHY IS THIS AN ISSUE: The words "REMODELING, IMPROVEMENT, and OTHER ALTERATION" could be interpreted to include carpet, painting, and other simple changes to your rental that having nothing to do with structure or other items you would typically need a building permit. This change could result in extra costs to keep your units in good condition. Since many landlords under take many project themselves, this could make projects more difficult to undertake. This bill appears to protect contractors and give them more work. We feel this bill in unnecessary and will cost property owners more money.
TALKING POINTS: Please contact your Legislators and tell them you do not like these bills and urge them to vote NO. Address the concerns brought up in the paragraph above on how this will cost you more and hinder your efforts to fix up properties in your community. You can tell them that you are a member of the Wisconsin Apartment Association and we oppose these bills, in their current format.
LINKS TO BILLS: AB111-http://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/document/proposaltext/2015/REG/AB111 and amendments http://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/document/amends/2015/REG/AB111-AA1 SB87-http://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2015/proposals/sb87
Please forward any comments from your Legislators to me at chrismokler@waaonline.orgso we can follow up with them or get any needed info to them. Also, feel free to forward this onto any of your local members that may have not gotten/seen this ACTION Alert.
As always, feel free to contact me with any questions!
Sincerely, Chris Mokler Director of Legislative Affairs Wisconsin Apartment Association
