Starting at 7PM, the president and treasurer presented for discussion yearly dues, both state and local. Legislative mentioned the state dues would not change. Up for vote was keeping yearly dues for 2012 the same as 2011. Also, late fees would be removed. Members present voted overwhelmingly in favor. Letters on membership renewal will be sent out in December.
The president next gave the floor to guest speaker Mark Spreitzer who is on the city council. Mr. Spreitzer spoke on recent activities within the city council. Specifically on the new budget for 2012. Over 2 million dollars were shaved from the budget thru cuts rather than increased revenues. Police and fire were discussed.
Though discussed and contested by BPMA members, a $5 increase on rental permits passed into the new budget. The time to discuss decreasing the number of city inspectors is this coming summer or before the next budget discussions for 2013.
Some mentioned their dislike for public housing due to its competitive nature on the rental business. Mark mentioned he was not aware of any new public housing units coming up for development.
Leaflan will begin charging city of Beloit residents in 2012 for disposal of their yard waste. There are supposedly sites that accept yard waste for free and Mr Spreitzer mentioned he would investigate this and communicate it to us later.
No guest speaker for December.
Happy Thanskgiving.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
BPMA Meeting for October
Starting at 7PM, Legislative gave a brief overview of last weekends WAA Conference and Tradeshow.
Next Gary gave the floor to guest speaker Toni Ruff, Section 8 (public housing) specialist. She mentioned some changes were made to the Housing Choice Voucher Program and these are outlined in the "Owner's Guide." She brought some copies of the Guides with her along with the flyer a "Good place to live." The latter can also be seen here: Flyer
The majority of the sesssion was Q&A. A 60day notice is necessary when the owner wishes to make a change in the lease. After the first year, a section 8 tenant may go on a month-to-month lease.
The Beloit City Website carries the Beloit Housing Authority's pages.
(snapshot image)
No guest is scheduled for November.
Next Gary gave the floor to guest speaker Toni Ruff, Section 8 (public housing) specialist. She mentioned some changes were made to the Housing Choice Voucher Program and these are outlined in the "Owner's Guide." She brought some copies of the Guides with her along with the flyer a "Good place to live." The latter can also be seen here: Flyer
The majority of the sesssion was Q&A. A 60day notice is necessary when the owner wishes to make a change in the lease. After the first year, a section 8 tenant may go on a month-to-month lease.
The Beloit City Website carries the Beloit Housing Authority's pages.
(snapshot image)
No guest is scheduled for November.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Wisconsin Apartment Association Conference & Tradeshow 2011
I decided to attend this years' conference, Saturday session, 10/15/11. This year it was held at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells. It turned out to be very, very informative with great guest speakers, great food, great tradeshow, and great music. The conference went from 7:30am to 9:00pm, allowing for only a few short breaks. The time spent in the seminars was well worth every minute. I, (pictured) personally attended "Basics in Facebook" where we picked up helpful networking hints and tips.
The next seminar I attended was titled "How not to get run over in small claims". Presented by Atty Bernardo Cueto, the keypoints were on mediation vs the standard court eviction. La Crosse county provides for mediation allowing for a quick resolution that is usually acceptable by both parties. In addition, when parties agree thru mediation, the tenant will usually vacate taking his/her personal belongings. Opposite to this is the heated court eviction where tenants tend to leave their belongings behind. I stepped away from this seminar wishing that Rock county start using mediation and soon!
The third seminar was presented by Brian Hervat (pictured), with the Kenosha Landlord Assoc., and he presented "Crime Free Multi-Housing." He handed out an addendum "Crime Free Lease Addendum" and suggested we start using this form. It has been used with limited success in the Kenosha area. Overall, a very informative seminar.
The next seminar I attended was titled "How not to get run over in small claims". Presented by Atty Bernardo Cueto, the keypoints were on mediation vs the standard court eviction. La Crosse county provides for mediation allowing for a quick resolution that is usually acceptable by both parties. In addition, when parties agree thru mediation, the tenant will usually vacate taking his/her personal belongings. Opposite to this is the heated court eviction where tenants tend to leave their belongings behind. I stepped away from this seminar wishing that Rock county start using mediation and soon!
The third seminar was presented by Brian Hervat (pictured), with the Kenosha Landlord Assoc., and he presented "Crime Free Multi-Housing." He handed out an addendum "Crime Free Lease Addendum" and suggested we start using this form. It has been used with limited success in the Kenosha area. Overall, a very informative seminar.
The other seminars that ran concurrently to the ones I attended were titled "Rental Collections", "5Most Asked Landlord Questions", "The Art of Renting", "Top 10 Pitfalls to avoid", "Recordkeeping for the RRP rule", and "Landlords & Tenant's Rights."
Following the seminars, a reception was held along with a silent auction. Music was provided by Sandy La Clair & the Impact of Brass, a very classy ensemble. This was followed by Dinner and the Annual Meeting.
Can't wait till next years.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
BPMA Meeting for September
President Gary Fields asked that Legislative issues be presented first.
Member Willie Petzrick gave an update on the new small claims jurisdictional limit increase. He referred to a page as posted with the state bar of wisconsin located HERE
Mention was made that the next WAA Conference is between October 14-16.
Gary next introduced guest speaker Teri Downing. She is staff liason to Equal Opportunities and Human Relations Commission (EOHRC) of Beloit. Contact phone: 608-364-6705.
She spoke at length on:
Member Willie Petzrick gave an update on the new small claims jurisdictional limit increase. He referred to a page as posted with the state bar of wisconsin located HERE
Mention was made that the next WAA Conference is between October 14-16.
Gary next introduced guest speaker Teri Downing. She is staff liason to Equal Opportunities and Human Relations Commission (EOHRC) of Beloit. Contact phone: 608-364-6705.
She spoke at length on:
- Protected classes
- Fair Housing laws as known at the federal, state and local city levels. Beloit's laws are in the form of an ordinance.
- Prohibited practices
- Fair Housing Investigation process as shown on the following handout as provided by Teri Downing, scanned image:
- Housing protections for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking, The violence against women act, VAWA
- Another handout was given on Fair Housing and EOHRC and that can be seen here: FLYER

We found the information as presented by Teri very informative and up-to-date. Please contact Teri Downing for further information.
October Guest speaker: Toni Ruff, Public Housing
Thursday, August 18, 2011
BPMA meeting for August
Following the treasury report, president Gary Fields mentioned the following:
Someone suggested Tordon for tree stump problems
- a landlord training workshop was set to begin 09/17/11 from 9am to 4, at the Janesville City Hall. Cost is $10. Registry is by phone at 608-758-1844.
- September guest speaker for BPMA: Teri Downing with EOHRC, Equal Opportunities & Human Relations Commission
- October guest speaker for BPMA: Toni Ruff, Lead Housing Choice Voucher Housing Specialist
Someone suggested Tordon for tree stump problems
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Small Claims Jurisdictional Limit Increased To $10,000
Wisconsin’s small claims jurisdictional limit was increased from $5,000 to $10,000 effective July 1, 2011. This increase was included in Governor Walker’s 2011-2013 Budget Bill.
The jurisidictional limit for small claims in Wisconsin was set at $5,000 back in 1995 and has remained the same for 16 years.
I see this as a positive change for debt collectors and potentially landlords.
All eviction actions — regardless of the amount of rent owed — must be brought in small claims court as small claims has exclusive jurisdiction of all eviction actions. Because of this, a landlord is allowed to receive a judgment for past due rent well beyond $5,000. So this jurisdictional change will not affect the amount of any past due rent judgement. But until now, a landlord was limited to obtaining a judgment for $5,000 or less in small claims for any physical damages to the rental property caused by the tenant. So this increase in small claims jurisdictional limit will be advantageous for landlords in such a situation.
Additionally, this change will also positively affect landlords bringing straight collection actions (which does not include a cause of action for eviction) against ex-tenants that skipped out owing past-due rent and/or damages greater than $5,000.
Since most tenants are not collectible, I am not sure if this change will greatly affect landlords . . . but it certainly won’t hurt them.
For more info: Source
The jurisidictional limit for small claims in Wisconsin was set at $5,000 back in 1995 and has remained the same for 16 years.
I see this as a positive change for debt collectors and potentially landlords.
All eviction actions — regardless of the amount of rent owed — must be brought in small claims court as small claims has exclusive jurisdiction of all eviction actions. Because of this, a landlord is allowed to receive a judgment for past due rent well beyond $5,000. So this jurisdictional change will not affect the amount of any past due rent judgement. But until now, a landlord was limited to obtaining a judgment for $5,000 or less in small claims for any physical damages to the rental property caused by the tenant. So this increase in small claims jurisdictional limit will be advantageous for landlords in such a situation.
Additionally, this change will also positively affect landlords bringing straight collection actions (which does not include a cause of action for eviction) against ex-tenants that skipped out owing past-due rent and/or damages greater than $5,000.
Since most tenants are not collectible, I am not sure if this change will greatly affect landlords . . . but it certainly won’t hurt them.
It should be noted that this increase in the small claims jurisdictional amount does NOT apply to third-party complaints, personal injury lawsuits, or tort claims.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
BPMA Meeting for July
Quickly following the treasury report, the president gave the floor to guest speaker Attorney Suzanne Kitto. The attorney prepared an informal talk on Estate Planning and touched on the following points:
Attny Suzanne Kitto contact information follows;
Guest speaker for September: Teri Downing with EOHRC, Equal Opportunities & Human Relations Commission.
- Durable Power of Attorney (financial)
- Health Care Power of Attorney
- Declaration to Physicians
- Wills
- Revocable Living Trust
- Irrevocable Living Trust
Attny Suzanne Kitto contact information follows;
Guest speaker for September: Teri Downing with EOHRC, Equal Opportunities & Human Relations Commission.
Beloit Daily News
Development zone incentives will boost business in Beloit
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker cuts the ribbon to signal a new beginning at the Beloit Welcome Center on I-90 as State Rep. Amy Loudenbeck, Tourism Secretary Stephanie Klett and State Sen. Tim Cullen look on. The center had not been staffed for about a year, but Visit Beloit volunteers have been staffing the center since June 30. Staff photo by Rob Baxter |
By Will O’Brien
Published: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 11:09 AM CDT
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker had a busy day in Beloit Monday.
Following a ribbon cutting ceremony at the Welcome Center on Interstate 90 (see page 3), he traveled to the Gateway Business Park to sign Assembly Bill 13, a piece of legislation aimed at creating a Beloit Development Opportunity Zone.
Read More HERE
Following a ribbon cutting ceremony at the Welcome Center on Interstate 90 (see page 3), he traveled to the Gateway Business Park to sign Assembly Bill 13, a piece of legislation aimed at creating a Beloit Development Opportunity Zone.
Read More HERE
Need for Awareness in Beloit
Below are some recent articles on two shooting events. As a landlord, I am disturbed by these shootings as are some tenants living nearby. Many factors are involved that led up to the state we are in but one of these is proper tenant screening. As a landlord yourself, help other landlords you know become informed and educated. Reach out to them and let us together keep Beloit safe and secure.
BPMA member, Manuel Casares
.From Beloit Daily News
Drive-by shooting hurts 2
Beloit paramedics move one of two shooting victims into a waiting ambulance Friday night in the 1200 block of Dewey Avenue. Police said a young man and woman were shot during a hail of gunfire that erupted from a passing car. Staff photo by Jim Franz |
By Rob Baxter
Published: Friday, July 8, 2011 11:37 PM CDT
Two people were wounded in what Beloit police were calling a drive-by shooting Friday night in the 1200 block of Dewey Avenue.
The victims — said to be a young man and a young woman — each suffered two non-life threatening gunshot wounds, police said.
The victims — said to be a young man and a young woman — each suffered two non-life threatening gunshot wounds, police said.
Police seeking shooting suspects
By Rob Baxter
Published: Thursday, July 14, 2011 11:28 AM CDT
Suspects in an Tuesday armed robbery are being sought by police after they fled on foot leaving a trail of coins in their wake and ending up at a house where two people were shot last week.
Police trailed the suspects, who allegedly robbed the Keeler Avenue Grocery, 1303 Keeler Ave., at gun point, to the 1200 block of Dewey Avenue, the same home where a Friday night shooting occurred. Two people were wounded in a drive-by shooting at the same address Friday.
Police trailed the suspects, who allegedly robbed the Keeler Avenue Grocery, 1303 Keeler Ave., at gun point, to the 1200 block of Dewey Avenue, the same home where a Friday night shooting occurred. Two people were wounded in a drive-by shooting at the same address Friday.
More HERE2
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
June 21, 2011
Meeting started at 7:21 PM. Present were president, treasurer and 7 members. No guest speaker scheduled tonight. Treasurer reported on funds.
The president gave reports on the last city council meeting. Notable was the council's decision to remove the requirement of displaying rental permits in conspicuous places.
A member contributed the following remarks:
We will be welcoming Atty Suzanne Kitto at our next meeting, July 19. Prepare your questions beforehand. Topics will include Wills, Contracts, Revocable living trusts.
We are expecting Terry Downing with Fair Housing for September.
The president gave reports on the last city council meeting. Notable was the council's decision to remove the requirement of displaying rental permits in conspicuous places.
A member contributed the following remarks:
- More low interest rehab loans are available
- Currently, there are 2901 parcels recognized as residential rentals in Beloit
- 2700 out of 2901 are single family units
- There are about 5900 rental units
We will be welcoming Atty Suzanne Kitto at our next meeting, July 19. Prepare your questions beforehand. Topics will include Wills, Contracts, Revocable living trusts.
We are expecting Terry Downing with Fair Housing for September.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
May 2011
5/17/11 BPMA Notes
Meeting started at 7PM. President Gary Fields opened the floor to the treasurer and legislative. Next he gave the floor to guest speaker Sheila DeForest with the City of Beloit. She sits on the council of the Community Development Authority.
Sheila made the following points:
Next BPMA meeting scheduled for 6/21/11. No guest speaker as of yet.
Meeting started at 7PM. President Gary Fields opened the floor to the treasurer and legislative. Next he gave the floor to guest speaker Sheila DeForest with the City of Beloit. She sits on the council of the Community Development Authority.
Sheila made the following points:
- Water to a residence will now be shut off once the meter reaches $500 over a period of at least 3 months.
- Dumpster issue is on hold
- No-interest rehabilitation loans are now available to investors. Previously they were only available to owner occupied residencies.
- Praised the landlord classes given at the Beloit Library. She is working on recognizing the attendees with some form of documentation.
Next BPMA meeting scheduled for 6/21/11. No guest speaker as of yet.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
April 2011
04/19/11 Regular BPMA Notes
Meeting started at 7PM. President Gary Fields made opening statements. Treasurer reported briefly on BPMA funds. Discussed new website, Willy gave a comment on proposed legislation. Gary gave the floor to guest speaker Tom Clippert, city of beloit. Q&A session.
12 BPMA members were present. Members voted overwhelmingly in favor of funding new website,
May guest speaker; Sheila DeForest.
Meeting started at 7PM. President Gary Fields made opening statements. Treasurer reported briefly on BPMA funds. Discussed new website, Willy gave a comment on proposed legislation. Gary gave the floor to guest speaker Tom Clippert, city of beloit. Q&A session.
- Habitable rooms in new construction must have a minimum ceiling height of 7ft. For existing dwelling, measure living area starting at the 5ft mark.
- Pet code now limits cats/dogs to 3 per residence.
- Grant money is available for rehab projects as seen in the following handout provided by Tom Clippert:
12 BPMA members were present. Members voted overwhelmingly in favor of funding new website,
May guest speaker; Sheila DeForest.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
March 2011
03/15/11 Regular BPMA Notes
Meeting started right at 7PM with noted guest speakers from the local Fire Department, Q&A session. BPMA members inquired as to carbon monoxide alarms. Handouts were given describing "what you need to know", "exceptions" and "maintenance" of alarms. Alarms should be placed in every home, on every level near sleeping areas. New law took effect, 2/1/11. Many BPMA members present.
Landlords would do well having tenants complete a "tenant form" for both smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
Also, lock boxes are available which allow the fire department access to a multi-unit complex.
Legislative: next WAA meeting, 4/16/11. Looking for a volunteer to join in.
Other guests:
Mark Spritzer introduced himself as someone who grew up in Chicago but loves Beloit. He is running for city council. Mentioned the city budget on his agenda.
Don Tinder (spelling check) is also running for city council. He said he grew up in Beloit and also mentioned the city budget.
Election 4/5/11. Get out and vote.
Guest speaker for April: Tom Clippert, with the city of beloit.
Meeting started right at 7PM with noted guest speakers from the local Fire Department, Q&A session. BPMA members inquired as to carbon monoxide alarms. Handouts were given describing "what you need to know", "exceptions" and "maintenance" of alarms. Alarms should be placed in every home, on every level near sleeping areas. New law took effect, 2/1/11. Many BPMA members present.
Landlords would do well having tenants complete a "tenant form" for both smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
Also, lock boxes are available which allow the fire department access to a multi-unit complex.
Legislative: next WAA meeting, 4/16/11. Looking for a volunteer to join in.
Other guests:
Mark Spritzer introduced himself as someone who grew up in Chicago but loves Beloit. He is running for city council. Mentioned the city budget on his agenda.
Don Tinder (spelling check) is also running for city council. He said he grew up in Beloit and also mentioned the city budget.
Election 4/5/11. Get out and vote.
Guest speaker for April: Tom Clippert, with the city of beloit.
Friday, March 4, 2011
February 2011
02/15/11 Regular BPMA Notes
Present: President and 4-6 members. Everyone who attended the Landlord Training Classes gave positive feedback.
Guest Speaker: Farmers Insurance Agent
Guest speaker touched on these points: car insurance, umbrella coverage; the difference between replacement cost and market value coverage (also called actual cash value); co-insurance.
President announcements: We are expecting to hear from the fire chief, guest speaker for March meeting, 3/15/11. We are expecting Tom Clippert, guest speaker for April meeting, 4/19/11.
Present: President and 4-6 members. Everyone who attended the Landlord Training Classes gave positive feedback.
Guest Speaker: Farmers Insurance Agent
Guest speaker touched on these points: car insurance, umbrella coverage; the difference between replacement cost and market value coverage (also called actual cash value); co-insurance.
President announcements: We are expecting to hear from the fire chief, guest speaker for March meeting, 3/15/11. We are expecting Tom Clippert, guest speaker for April meeting, 4/19/11.
Monday, January 24, 2011
January 2011
1/18/11 Regular BPMA meeting notes:
No guest speaker; present at this meeting were president, treasurer and 4-6 members.
Treasurer gave a report on funds. PO Box for BPMA reopened.
President reviewed calendar. New Landlord Training Classes set to begin this month.
Requested future guests include Sue Kito and a talk on Revocable living trusts. Requested fire marshall and police chief for future guests.
Manuel Casares offered and accepted the job of writing up a web page for BPMA and maintaining the web site on his server. Those present accepted his offer as he presented it. Manuel has complete freedom as to the page's contents, form, and domain name. Some suggested a name easy to find and remember and not "BPMA" as most people do not know what that means. He suggested either or or Whichever of these he chooses is acceptable to the group.
No guest speaker; present at this meeting were president, treasurer and 4-6 members.
Treasurer gave a report on funds. PO Box for BPMA reopened.
President reviewed calendar. New Landlord Training Classes set to begin this month.
Requested future guests include Sue Kito and a talk on Revocable living trusts. Requested fire marshall and police chief for future guests.
Manuel Casares offered and accepted the job of writing up a web page for BPMA and maintaining the web site on his server. Those present accepted his offer as he presented it. Manuel has complete freedom as to the page's contents, form, and domain name. Some suggested a name easy to find and remember and not "BPMA" as most people do not know what that means. He suggested either or or Whichever of these he chooses is acceptable to the group.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
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