Member Willie Petzrick gave an update on the new small claims jurisdictional limit increase. He referred to a page as posted with the state bar of wisconsin located HERE
Mention was made that the next WAA Conference is between October 14-16.
Gary next introduced guest speaker Teri Downing. She is staff liason to Equal Opportunities and Human Relations Commission (EOHRC) of Beloit. Contact phone: 608-364-6705.
She spoke at length on:
- Protected classes
- Fair Housing laws as known at the federal, state and local city levels. Beloit's laws are in the form of an ordinance.
- Prohibited practices
- Fair Housing Investigation process as shown on the following handout as provided by Teri Downing, scanned image:
- Housing protections for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking, The violence against women act, VAWA
- Another handout was given on Fair Housing and EOHRC and that can be seen here: FLYER

We found the information as presented by Teri very informative and up-to-date. Please contact Teri Downing for further information.
October Guest speaker: Toni Ruff, Public Housing
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