Saturday, September 14, 2013


Landlords will try different approaches to finding tenants. For Beloit landlords, the use of craigslist as well as the BPMA website are both new and worthy aproaches. I wanted to weigh in on a new tool that I discovered through an article found on page 6 of the WAA magazine, September 2013. It describes recording a brief video of a vacancy, 2 to 3 minutes in duration, and uploading it to YouTube. Then, a link to the video can be placed on craigslist or wherever a landlord places his/her ads. I went ahead and recorded a walk-through of an apartment, without voice and concentrating on areas I thought were highlights of the apartment. Video
Different from past approaches, this approach seemed to attract only the most interested. Several people who filled out applications for tenancy mentioned the video and loved the apartment before ever stepping into it. In other words, they were already motivated to move in and the applications were the most complete and accurate that I've had in a while. YouTube provides statistics such as viewings, a valuable management tool. I had over 150 view the video but 7 actually filled out an application. 3 of these were accepted. 3 out of 7 is pretty good. Hope this helps. -- Manuel, Elder A Christian Temple